Digital data storage in RFID technology can last more than 100 years, anti-fouling, anti-irradiation, high and low temperature resistance, anti-harsh environment. Cilico CM900 based on RFID technology can work in long-distance, no-visual recognition, recognition rate, realize rapid identification of material batches and intelligent inventory.
Get QuoteХувь хүний орлогын албан татварын тухай хуулийн 14 дүгээр зүйлд зааснаар хөрөнгө борлуулсаны орлогод " газар эзэмших, ашиглах эрх борлуулсны орлого " хамаарах ба "Борлуулалт" гэдэгт ...
Get QuoteҮл хөдлөх эд хөрөнгө худалдах, худалдан авах гэрээг хүчин төгөлдөр бусд тооцуулж, өмчлөгчөөр тогтоолгох тухай 12 11:30 О.ЧУЛУУНЧИМЭГ. Нэх: Собт трейд ХХК. Хар: Үлэмж гросерс ХХК
Get QuoteFeatures. Specifications. Downloads. Accessories. Get Quote. Android 7.1/9.0. Octa-core 2.5GHz. 5.5" screen. 3GB RAM/32GB ROM. 4G/Dual-band Wi-Fi. IP67. RFID. High …
Get Quotecontact@cilico-france C7X Industrial tablet C7X is a 7 inch rugged industrial tablet based on Android 7.1.It's highly integrated with HD camera, NFC, GPS+BDS, 4G/LTE, Bluetooth4.2, 1D/2D scanner, UHF RFID reader, infra-red and PSAM encryption,C7X also delivers real-time connectivity and brilliant data capture capabilities. 7200 mAh ...
Get QuoteAbout CILICO. About CILICO. Cilico Microelectronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2006. The headquarter is located in Xi'an National Hi-tech Development Zone, and its supply chain …
Get QuoteAccording to the medical working environment, Cilico C6 healthcare mobile computer comes with deeply customized ROM and integrates 1D/2D barcode scanner, as well as RFID scanning module, enabling the accurate date collection. It can improve the work efficiency of doctors and nurses as well as avoiding medical mistakes.
Get QuoteCILICO C7S industrial-grade IoT tablet is widely used in many industries such as security traceability, electricity inspection, e-commerce payment, supermarket retail, financial management, chain stores, logistics and express delivery. Excellent performance, better performance.
Get QuoteТЭЭВРИЙН ХЭРЭГСЭЛ ХУДАЛДАХ, ХУДАЛДАН Author: Chimegjargal Created Date: 12/30/2022 4:37:24 AM ...
Get QuoteCovide 19 helpful non-contact temperature reader,UHF RFID Reading and writing, barcode scanning, camera, 4G network, WIFI, Android systems and water-proof, dust-proof …
Get QuoteЗам тээврийн хөгжлийн сайдын 2020 оны 11 дүгээр сарын 18-ны өдрийн А/222 тоот тушаалаар батлагдсан "Автотээврийн хэрэгслийн бүртгэл хөтлөх улсын дугаар олгох журам"-ын хүрээнд тээврийн ...
Get QuoteХудалдах, худалдан авах гэрээний нөхцөл Гэрээг ажлын 3 хоногийн дотор байгуулна. Худалдан авагч нь дуудлага худалдаагаар худалдан авсан эд хөрөнгийн үнийг 14 хоногийн дотор төлнө.
Get QuoteКлирингийн загвар. Төлбөр тооцоо гүйцэтгэх алхам. 1. Байнгын болон байнгын бус гишүүд. Дэнчин болон барьцааг клирингийн дансанд байршуулах. 2. Хөдөө аж ахуйн бирж. Захиалга амжилттай хийгдэн ...
Get QuoteCILICO BARCODE MOBILE COMPUTER C80. Part Number: C80UHF. Order Number: 22703994. C80UHF OCTA-CORE 2.0GHZ, 5.72 INCH SCREEN, 4GB RAM/64GB …
Get QuoteCilico F750 is a compact and rugged handheld mobile computer that can satisfy the demands for tough field work. It meets the military standards for humidity, dust, vibration, drops and extreme temperature. Meanwhile it integrates the IOT functions including 1D barcode scanner, 2D/QR code scanner, NFC, PSAM Encryption etc. ...
Get QuoteThat's when she discovers the CILICO C80 UHF Handheld Terminal. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the C80 becomes Sarah's trusted companion. …
Get QuoteСОГТУУРУУЛАХ УНДАА ХУДАЛДАХ, ҮЙЛЧЛЭХ ТУСГАЙ ЗӨВШӨӨРӨЛ ОЛГОХ ҮЙЛ АЖИЛЛАГААНЫ ХЯНАЛТЫН ХУУДАС БАТЛАГДЛАА. Монгол Улсын Хүнс, Хөдөө аж ахуй, хөнгөн үйлдвэрийн сайдын А/540 дугаар тушаалаар...
Get QuoteWith more than 100 technology patents and independent intellectual property rights, Cilico is a national high-tech enterprise, Xi'an high-tech enterprise, tax credit rating A, …
Get QuoteStep 1: Turn on CT10X Barcode Scanner. It will response with a long beep (high tone), it's LED shows red and with Intmt twinkle. Page 8 Enter Setup Step 3: Read a Setup barcode. The CT10X Barcode Scanner will response three beeps (tone ascending from low to high), and its LED indicator will flashing purple.
Get Quote2.1.6 нөлөө бүхий хувьцаа эзэмшигч нь үнэт цаасны үнэ ханшийг зохиомлоор өсгөх, (бууруулах) зорилгоор үнэт цаасыг худалдан авах, (худалдах) үнийг өсгөж бууруулах, цөөн тооны үнэт цаасыг 2 ба ...
Get QuoteScooter Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 159 likes. Онлайн захиалга, худалдаа
Get QuoteCILICO C80 mobile computer android scanner is with trendy, powerful, original, and professional design. It includesstandard version, medical version and UHF versions, which can be extended up to 13 different versions. It not onlyhas one 4600mAh removable battery, but also supports hot swap battery and pistol battery meanwhile, which allows 24 ...
Get QuoteCilico Microelectronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2006. The headquarter is located in Xi'an National Hi-tech Development Zone, and its supply chain factory is located in Shenzhen, China. Relying on the background of Xi'an universities and scientific research, based on technology development, in-depth research on customer scenarios in the ...
Get QuoteЭлектрон худалдаа, э-худалдаа эсвэл э худалдаа гэж түгээмэл бичдэг, нь интернэт эсвэл онлайн нийгмийн сүлжээ гэх мэтийг ашиглан бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээг худалдах үйл ажиллагаа юм. . Электрон худалдаа гар утасны ...
Get QuoteCILICO is a global leading supplier - manufacturing the rugged mobile computers and 1D/2D wireless barcode scanners, with RFID scanning technology. Our all-in-one mobile computers are configured with diversity functions to meet the needs of multiple-industries. Exported over 75 countries.
Get QuoteCILICO IOT800 is a fashionable cloud Wi-Fi scanner. It can highly integrate with barcode, RFID and Wi-Fi smart connection function. And can be widely used in inventory, POS industry. Get Quote. Position: Index > Products. …
Get QuoteCM550X is an all-in-one Instant- handheld computer with thermal printer, with 4G/LTE, 2.4GHz & 5GHz Wi-Fi, 8 MP camera, NFC, GPS, Bluetooth integrated and optional UHF RFID reader, 1D/2D barcode scanner and PSAM Encryption.This barcode scanner with built-in high speed printer, it can be printed at anytime and anywhere. 58mm line thermal ...
Get QuoteБидний тухай. Ундаа худалдах машин, зууш худалдах машин, худалдаа хийх үйлдвэр-TCN. TCN нь хэд хэдэн төрлийн борлуулалтын системийн шийдэл, шилдэг борлуулалттай машинуудыг санал болгодог ...
Get QuoteCM900 UHF Reader. CILICO CM900 is a newly developed UHF reader, based on R2000 solution, which has excellent RFID reading and writing performance. The UHF RFID reading distance up to 17m (depending on …
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